The shape of who you are

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I haven't spoken to my mother since a few days before the Day Time Saving hour change. Yesterday I did and among all the things we spoke of, we spoke of my grandmother.

I still remember when I was a little child. Every Saturday morning we took a bus to her house and spend all day there. There was nothing much to do and half of the time my mother was arguing with grams. Anyone that gets annoyed at my strong beliefs and opinions should notice that those qualities only come from one woman: Grams. She passed them to my mother (although she doesn't admit it) and to me.

Every summer I used to stay there for a week. A week my sister and I dreaded long before classes were over. But I think it was all about discipline. We woke up every day at 5 AM to listen the radio Mass and after that to pray the rosary. After that we could go and take a small nap to wake up and do chores. The most tedious ones were cutting out all bad herbs of the garden (by hand) and the pea collection. Others more interesting were crafts (we did rosaries and other stuff)and cooking. I was 7 years old and it continued until I was around 10.

Now I realize how much I learned: I became a disciplined boy, turned an expert in dominoes (my grandmother was an amazing player), learned how to verbally fight others, turned into a conspiracy believer and a closed minded religious boy (the tale on how I became an atheist and a libertarian will come soon). My self esteem portrayed that of a 60something strong and self righteous woman I used to hold her hand.

After I turned 10, I got more involved in church (after all I was in a Catholic School), assisted the Boy Scouts (the tale on what really happened there will be written as a magazine style piece essay on December)and by 19 my frequent trips to gram's house were greatly reduced. College came in and my mind was totally changed.

When I was about 6, she got a small infection on one leg: a cellulite, a different kind of thing than the more common women's cellulite (like the one Deelishis has all over her ass). Due to her stubbornness (a trait I adamantly continue to show)she missed doctor appointments (the cellulite was like a roller coaster: gradually left and then showed up again), fought nurses, got hospitalized so many times. It's being 18 years, the infection got worse. She lost her leg.

When my mother told me, I don't know what I thought (mostly because I'm terrified of amputations) but also because one of those persons that has shaped your life, be it in a good or a bad way, now looks defeated.

I couldn't help but wonder will I end up defeated? Emotionally? Physically? All I could think is that I have a strong will to succeed, a thing that apparently I inherited from no one and that sets me apart from the rest of my family. I will hold dearly the memories and anecdotes of those that helped me being who I am right now and move forward trying to avoid defeat.

Defeat, that's one of my biggest fear

October and the month that was

Monday, October 30, 2006

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I opened the space which became my personal expression and tension reliever. I'm happy to say that I'm glad for the support I've been given, for the friends I regained and the opinions and expressions that I've shared with some.

I think I've written a lot (about 25 posts in less than a month) but not enough as I'd want to. There's always so much to tell, some juicy stories, stuff on TV, events... but there's always real life and the impending graduation and thesis I have to start putting together by the end of the semester.

From being a ranking obsessed boy (from 100something to number 10 last week ain't that bad) to a boy that realizes that top something isn't something I should worry about, but to the quality of the posts and the writing, I believe that quality should always be on the top list. And there's no ranking that matches that.

I've written about Deelishis scandalous pictures, about Netflixed movies, Carmen Jovet, youtube and above all my opinions. And as I close this post commenting about how weird this month has been to me I thank for those that constantly check me out cause you make what I'm doing seem right. Capture is not the word but appreciation.

Events this October

Roommates banned anti smoking laws in the house, making my life incredibly uncomfortable.

My decision of spending the Halloween evening playing Final Fantasy 12 instead of going out to get drunk.

Youtube being sold to Google

Bush's disastrous attempt (hopefully it'll be disastrous) to regain Senate and House causes him to go berserk against gay people, democrats and the war in Iraq

Deelishis wins over New York in Flavor of Love

Greys Anatomy continues to disappoint fans because of poor writing.

Rpgdude's new obsession with Basement Jaxx's Crazy itch Radio

The Foley scandal has people going nuts against republicans (finally!)

The ordeals of the Puertorican sales tax

Eddie Miro's pathetic attempt to regain people's heart. Didn't he evaded a lot of taxes? (Check out La Letrina's comment of the situation.

Rpgdude is still single, sports a new, more mature look and is still looking.

Beloved Slasher Flicks

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Halloween weekend. There's nothing else to watch in TV but Slasher and Horror flicks. I've seen Friday the 13th like 3 times, along with Halloween 4 and Texas Chainsaw (that's all in 3 days!), thanks to movie marathons in AMC, FX and others.
Here are my top 5 favorite slasher flicks (slasher only!):

5: Slumber Party Massacre- This movie is barely recognized, however it's so good. A bunch of girls in a slumber party; a psycho killer who just escaped a mental institution and lots and lots of gore and death.

Honorable deaths: The girls opened the door to find the delivery guy killed. A few minutes later a girl gets drilled in her neck.

4: Nightmare on Elm Street-I've never been a fan of the Freddy. I think he's a little overrated. However his first movie is very good. Teens needs to die when not abiding the standards an 80's society imposes. Freddy makes sure that they get punished

Honorable deaths: Johnny Depp's introduction to stardom begun with a terrible bed sucking death.

3:Friday the 13th- One of my favorite movies. I grew up going to a lot of camp sites and always got worried of a psycho killer lurking around in the forest. This movie tells the tale of a group of camp counselors trying to reopen Camp Crystal Lake, which was closed 20 years ago when a couple got killed by a mysterious killer. Of course, each one of them will be killed (minus the virgin) when the killer reappears with a personal vendetta.

Honorable deaths: Kevin Bacon's demise got a sweet arrow pop out of his neck. Take that!

2:Scream 1 and 2- I remembered that in 10th and 11th grade, instead of getting laid (like any self respecting high school student nowadays) I was obsessed watching those two movies constantly. Meant to be a new start for slasher flicks, these 2 movies broke all rules and put the genre profitable again.

Honorable death: Drew Barrymore and Jada Pinkett had incredibly good death scenes.

1:Halloween- The first official slasher flick (if you don't count Psycho, but there's also controversy with Blood Feast). It contains a suspenseful atmosphere and interesting storyline (was the killer really the boogieman?), but some people might argue that it's a little slow. I think is the atmosphere and the formula it established that put it to the top

Honorable death: A young Michael kills his sister after she had sex with her boyfriend. Multiple stabs, and did I mentioned the clown costume?

Halloween special -1-

I was talking with Pink Monday. Out of nowhere, while in the middle of a Halloween conversation dealing with which horrific costume I was going to buy for this senselessly tasteful fakestivity, she commented about it.

Pink Monday: Carmen Jovet looks so unrecognizable.
I: Carmen Bo-Tex!

That's why she has been awarded with the Halloween Special Celebrity of the Year. This award only goes for famous celebrities (sort of) that change so much. it looks like is a living creepy costume. Previous years Michael Jackson and Melina Leon (as denoted by Gazoo's post Melina Leon Parece Mufasa in la Letrina) have won.

What we like about Carmen: Every year she looks younger. And younger and more stretched like overweight women's thighs in skinny black pants. Botox is a miraculous thing, it helps us being very well lifted. Kudos for always having a young hunk on your pit.

What we don't like about Carmen: Too much Botox leads to an unemotional monstrous stage of plasticized faces. Carmen you're in that league now. A Carmen costume would surely shock a few drag queens but nothing that will last too long for hype.

To have or not to have

Friday, October 27, 2006

It was cold (about 36 degrees). I left Park Street Station at 8:45 p.m. The concert had already started, but The Killers were going to play at 9. I walked around the theater, avoiding any security people that might spot illegal ticket transactions, but noticed no one selling. I turned around and checked again, nothing. I checked and checked and checked, but nothing nothing nothing.

"Selling tickets", a guy whispered while walking towards me. "Are you selling?", I asked. "No, I'm buying" he replied. In my mind all it yelled was "Enemy!". Two guys in the same position and with one goal in mind: concert! Time was running out. We kept on walking around wondering if anyone would at least have one ticket so we can fight them out in a verbal fight of cash I was willing to lose if he uttered the words 100.

It was past 9. I decided to walk away. As I did I noticed the guy heading to the Commons. We were defeated. By the time I decided to get into the train it was 33 degrees. Instead of going home went to Cambridge trying to find the Garment District store. After walking and walking around Central Square I realized I was lost.

Along came Pink Monday, who helped me reach the store by yahoo'ing and google'ing. I got there but decided not to shop. I guess it was a night of "not to haves".

The race for your other half

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I am a careless person. I know it. By the time I've been in Boston a few of my favorite bands have performed and couldn't or forgot to buy tickets (Our Lady Peace, Three Days Grace and The Go! Team). By the time I realized, I was late; the tickets were sold.

This time in town is one of my fave new bands (not new, like 2 years ago new) The Killers. I wasn't in Boston when the pre-sale was on... I bet I was in El Cojo. Now I have no tickets and I'm getting desperate. I checked craigslist but people were actually willing to buy tickets for over a 100 dollars. No tickets for me.

My last option is to go to the Theater before the show starts and see who's selling tickets. Maybe I'll get a nice deal (like that time I got Jason Mraz's arena tickets for $35), or end up freezing my ass. Since those around me know my current obsession with Brandon Flowers know I'll be willing to freeze to death to get in!

PS. Got The Killer's sophomore CD Sam's Town: it's way different than Hot Fuzz but very good.

Deelishis Uncovered!

Monday, October 23, 2006

There are times in life when you realize that some people aren't meant for art. There are other times when you realize that people aren't meant to be pornographic. There are instances in your life when you see that some don't belong to TV. Some people are meant to gross you out.

Along came Deelishis, the unfortunate winner of Flavor Flav's affection in Flavor of Love. A single mother with an unimaginable charm to outshine the other contestants fakeness. Her 18-year plus site, was cited in a previous post a few days ago.

I've never seen pictures so ugly in my life. Scars, cellulite all over the place shadows a nice hair and some plumpy lips. There's a video section with no videos. Also, while openly portraying pictures like a 'ho, there's a certain denial of showing her vagi gi. The ass is gigantic decorated with cellulite and stretch marks. Check the pictures and see how brilliant her career as a model will be. Smells like early retirement. Now I'm wondering if Flav knew about this, since he kicked out a girl for being porno...but Deelishis is pure art...

Silly 'ho.
Warning, the following link is not to be opened by pregnant women, people with heart diseases or those who just ate!


Obsessions, desire and the random thoughts that drive your mind

Relentless, powerful yet deadly weapon of fiction and reality
Compulsiveness, drive and insanity.

We all have moments of obsessions, some more than others. I remember when I used to obsess over people and the damage caused because of that. I am glad that I'm not in that path. We tend to obsess when we're in need of something in our life. When it comes, that something turns into something deadly.

What is my worst obsession? I guess, it was a crush I had some (like 5) years ago. Never ends good when you obsess. Now I obsess over things that will do no harm (like TV, movies, arts and games).

What's the remedy? Still figuring out. And yes, this is weird.

This week Netflix

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Today I decided to recapture the passion with the DVD Player. I had some Netflix movies that hadn't watched.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Followed Gazoo's suggestion to watch it twice: one wasted, the other fine. Even if there was different ways to approach it, the result was the same: the second best romantic movie (second to Punch Drunk Love).

Punch Drunk Love: It's so fucked up, and yet romantic. Best. Rom/Movie. Ever!

Sideways: I think I'll watch tomorrow...

Next week Netflix:

Hard Candy (recommended by Gazoo)
High School: The Musical (recommended by work)

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (recommended by Netflix)

Big Monsters! Huge Drama!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Last May something awful happened in Boston. Dr. Cube's threats that someone was going to die were accomplished when one of the beloved Plantain brothers was killed by someone. However, that someone turned out to be Silver Potato-legendary hero of the good side turned to the dark side.

This Friday, again in Boston, revenge might be served. Pedro Plantain will try to avenge his brother's death by fighting Silver Potato.

Kaiju Big Battel is a huge super event (performance) that mixes parodies of both: professional wrestling and tokusatsu kaiju(giant monsters) Japanese movies. It involves a lot of monster drama typical from Japanese pop culture and wrestling. What's interesting is that it has its culture on its own (fighting movies, the story so far, the CD's, dolls, t-shirt and lots more). What started as a performance, it has become a cult!

I've went to Someone must die in Anime Boston 2006 and was amazed. I think we all were. Now there's no way I'm going to miss this show!

If you want to check out their site go here. Also as usual, a little video:

And another:

Whip it good!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Every single day at work I have to hear the same CD over and over. This month there's a remake of one of the 80's jewels "Whip it" from Devo. This cover is sung by a young girl. I don't know what kind people choose the music, but I work at a Kids Store. Somewhere out there little girls must be singing to little guys:

Now whip it
into shape. Shape it up,
get straight. Go forward,
move ahead. Try to detect it
it's not too late
To whip it, whip it good

So I youtubed the video and it's Great! in an 80's kind of way!

Monday of Love (Sunday of Love part 2)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Yes, to all of those who watched VH1's insane, twistful and emotional finale of everybody's guilty pleasure Flavor of Love, New York lost again. Her dignity was degraded once more when Flav (after bringing her back to the house and used her up for ratings and sex). How did this happen? We're talking about the woman that fought every single ho in both seasons (save for Goldie and the ho's that were eliminated prior to her arrival in season 2), was first runner up and lost to a fake gold digger by the name of Hoops. Now she's lost to a fake gold digger by the name of Deelishis.

She always loved him. She was never fake, neither her mother. New York was made for tv. So does her mother and father. I could have sworn that they were going to launch a sitcom. I was wrong. When he told her that she was too much like her mother and way jealous (oh, didn't you noticed that in the FIRST season? Dumb Flav) we didn't bought that. Even with tears in his eyes and the storm (foreshadow?) around him, I know that he prefers Deelishis big scarful butt to New York's. It's understandable, she has some kind of charm but she's boring for TV.

The episode was a real yawner, except New York's (she's drama personified) desperation at Flav's and Deelishis' date and the final clash. In the final elimination, she rose against Flav and asked the easiest question: Why did you brought me back? The man broke her heart twice (that Flav is inhuman!!!). Then she wents nuts (as usual) and had the best scene. Her yelling at him while tears rolled her eyes and wondering why did he do that to her twice, why was he mean to her? if he wanted her back, why destroying her heart? She left angry, crying and telling that she hopes she finds the man that's good for her, that really loves her and gives her everything (hmmmmmmmmmm).

Then came this morning: (this messenger conversation was with a friend)

Friend: mira, lo de NY en Ms es bullten o blog?
Rpgdude: LOL, bulletin lo posteo hace como 1 hora atras o dos

Rpgdude: Dear Friends, I realize many of you tuned in for the final episode last night and I can't help but feel so blessed to have your unconditional love and support. Please remember that the taping of the final episode was 5 months ago, just like in Flavor of Love 1. I did have a little trip, but that was very short lived. For those of you who know my character, I am very calculating with my career and recover quite quickly from life's mishaps. Since Flavor of Love, I have moved on to even "bigger and better things". I am very excited about the secret projects that I have been working on these past months and I hope you guys will be there with me for the ride! The love and support from my fans is more important to me than winning a reality TV show. I would rather be in my position right now than both the winners from Flavor of Love 1 & 2. Making quick dollars through club promoting and hosting parties in not really my thing. I am more interested in the long haul and it is my intention to be around for a very long time. There is a saying in life that goes "sometimes the winner isn't the one that walks away with the crown." This quote is very fitting for me, as you will all see in the coming months. Love Always, ~TIFFANY AKA NY

Friend: ay padre, al menos no suena TAN bitter! lol

Rpgdude: me encanto el showdown

Friend: ahi va!

Rpgdude: cuando ella le dice "why did you bring me back

Rpgdude: lol me dio pena con ella

Friend: siiiiiiiii, es q esta kbron\

Rpgdude: la trae de vuelta, la re enamora, se la chicha y la manda pal carajo lol

So yes, New York is winning the battle. Now she's going to have her chance to forget all about flav and worry about the 20 hunks that will try to win her heart. Just like she always dreamt. However things aren't always cute for the winner. She ended up with Flavor Flav. I though she lost. Why New York has the better rewards?

This one is regarding Delishis being fake. Make sure you check the links.

Rpgdude: Deelishis's Myspace
Rpgdude: dice q esta single...
Friend: mmmmmjm
tiene un culo q no se acaba
Rpgdude: jaja
Rpgdude: me imagino q ella quiso estar con flav por dos cosas
Rpgdude: para el college fund de la nena, q quiere ser neurocirujana y no le brega
Rpgdude: y para q flav le pague la operacion de las cicatrices
Rpgdude: dime q ella no es fake
Rpgdude: Link to Deelishis' website
Rpgdude: le borraron las cicatrices en photoshop
Friend: ajaaaaaaaaa
eso estaba viendo
Rpgdude: y el lunar del ojo
Rpgdude: FAKE
Friend: lol

So, I can't wait for two things: watch Flavorette (New York's upcoming show) and see how long does Flav and Deelishis will last. Any predictions?

Sunday of Love

There is nothing like rushing home from work at 35 degrees with one thing in mind besides being cold: TV Sunday block.

Everything started with Desperate Housewives: "Like it was" episode. I believe that is the best episode of the show to date. It has everything this show is known to be good at: drama, comedy, sad moments, touching moments, gossips, jaw dropping moments. To those who lost faith in this show, sweeties I don't know what you're missing. Spoilers!

Gaby: She has entered a War of the Roses battle with soon to be ex Carlos. Selling all her stuff on a yard sale, changing the locks and even calling the police to kick him out. Their war is turning out to be a very interesting (and funny) plot line. It's bringing out the worst in them. The kitchen scene was one of the highlights of the episode.
Lynette: Parker's not good a baseball and wants to quit. Like any good parent, Linette bribes the pitcher for Parker to at least hit the ball. Things backfire and her son is expelled, right after he decides to keep going with baseball. Another bribe from the team coach gets the kid in the team but after he successfully hit a home run is injured and forced to quit.

Edie: She is evil. We're glad Mike is awake (last week's cliffhanger). Not so glad that he has retrograde memory loss and don't remember anything from 2004. Edi is there to fill the blanks and take revenge against Susan for everything that's happened to them so far.

Susan: She was the last to find out about Mike, thanks to the fact that she was far, far away. Once she did, she forgot about Ian and broke his heart. That guy is amazing. In the hospital scene I actually was concerned that his heart was being broken. This love triangle is getting very interesting since Mike is now against Susan.

Bree: Twist number-She found out about Andrew's "hobby"(hustling). Decided to tell the wife of one of his "clients" only to discover that the lady already knew it and was willing to share a secret. Twist number two-Danielle (Bree's daughter) is not mourning the death of Mathew Applewhite anymore, now she's enjoying her history professor in lots of ways. This leads to warm and touching moments with Andrew.

Then there's Orson, whom we don't know much yet. We know he's glad Mike doesn't remember he ran over him. Oh, but he's so nice to Bree and her family. I'm just rooting he's not evil. Come on, sometimes we do ran over people with a purpose and in Wysteria Lane everybody has committed a crime (arson, killing, bribes, you name it).

Show number two: Flavor of Love the finale! But this one is so good and juicy I'll post another post.

Friday the 13th Unique Edition

Friday, October 13, 2006

It's Friday and I'm at home. I'm watching one of the movies that I grew up with: Friday the 13th 8 (which is one of the worst). When I was a little kid (4 years), I watched with Mum the first one and I loved it. I was scared to death of a killer beneath my bed, but I never said anything. Every Friday the 13th( or when they were running out of movies) Super Siete (rest in pieces err, I meant peace) aired one or two movies in this saga. My Mom always watched it with me. Still remembered every time there was sex and nudity, she asked us to close our eyes....however she allowed us to see blood and violence (weird). As I watch this movie, I'm thinking it's being 20 years since I first saw one, and how much I've changed. For instance, I am a peaceful being (except when hungry). There's no such thing as seeing fake violence makes you violent. I am fine and thanks to you Jason Voorhees or Mrs. Voorhees.

That's why I'm going to comment on your movies now!

Friday the 13th (1980) The movie that started it all. A little boy called Jason Vorhees drowned in Crystal Lake. The counselors that were supposed to be paying attention were having sex (welcome slasher flicks! oh, wait what about Halloween?). Angry little mother swore revenge killing everybody that tried to reopen Camp Crystal Lake. However she got decapitated by the Virgin. Rating: A+ (in slasher flicksverse)

Friday the 13th 2 (1981) The survivor of the first movie apparently lost her virginity and got killed, by an angry Jason. He wears a potato bag now. A new Camp is going to be reopened. A few of the cast enter the now forbidden Bloody Camp. Jason is around and slays everybody except the new "virgin" and her beau. We discover he is deformed, but obviously survives and the virgin is left completely insane. This one has the infamous spear death ( a couple stabbed while stabbing in sex...) . Rating: B

Friday the 13th 3 (D) (1982) Jason is alive and on the loose. This time he kills a group of hippyfied teens that are having a quiet vacation a cabin next to the lake. This movie isn't that special, except the fact that he acquires his infamous hockey mask (from a really stupid and annoying dude) midway through the movie. A fun fact: this one was shot in 3D and last year I had the pleasant(?!) opportunity of watching it (with glasses and everything). Rating: B-

Friday the 13th: The final chapter (aka 4) (1984) No, obviously it isn't the last. This one is quite good. There's a lot of gore; an infamous fat hippie chick killed; swimming naked in the lake (don't they all have a scene like that?) and also includes Corey Feldman and Crispin Glover in the cast. Rating: B+

Friday the 13th: A new beginning (1985) There is nothing to be mentioned about this movie. It's absolutely horrendous and disappointing in so many levels. First of all, Jason is not the killer. Instead we're left with the suspense of believing it's Jason but it's a stupid ambulance guy. Second, Tommy is the survivor of the last one and the hero on this and next movie. Nothing more, this movie is full of #*$@ Rating: F

Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives! (1986): My second favorite Jason movie. He gets resurrected when Tommy decides to check that Jason was dead. So he accidentally caused Jason to come back 5 times stronger. The death and gore scenes are soooooooooooo good. Highly recommended. Rating: A-

Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood (1987): It sucks. It's kind of Carrie meets Jason. A dumb telekinesis girl takes Jason out of the lake when trying to bring his father back (dumb). I don't wanna talk much about the movie, except it sucks but entertains. Ahhhhhhh also welcome Mr. Kane Hoddler as Jason! Rating: C
Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989): Confusing, cheap and pointless. I loved Jason being brought back on 6 but 7 and 8 are so dull. There's gore and gore, but basically it's a dumb reason to put Jason in Manhattan. The mystery of the lead actress and her visions was never explained. Rating: C-

Jason Goes to Hell: Final Friday (1993): Paramount sold it's rights of Jason to New Line (the ones with the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. I heard(or read) somewhere "when the 80's died, so did Jason". Absolutely correct, this movie is god awful! There's the twisting of story lines (when did Jason suddenly had a sister? , the stupid plot line of Jason's heart and the whole possessed and body switching. Ridiculous. Rating: D-

Jason X (2001): Disastrous. We already know that Jason is a looney for Freud? We don't need our obvious references. Set in the space? With robots? There's nothing interesting of this movie. Absolutely nothing. In fact, now that I think about it. 5 is not the sole worst movie, it's a tie so 5 and 10 are the twins of shame! Rating: F

Freddy vs. Jason (2003): Not part of the saga but part of the saga. This movie revamped the late and deceased 80's slashers genre. It's all about what we used to love: the corny virgin, the ones doing drugs and the sexual predators. And we all know who survives! But wait, there's more: a mysterious plot, the resurrection of Jason by Freddy and the ultimate showdown (and backstory) for both. Rating: B+

31 Minutos

I still remember the first time we saw 31 Minutos, one of the highest rated TV shows from Chile (it was on XI Latin American Encounter Felafacs). As different shows from all over Latin America were shown, me and my friends were ashamed that the only tv video from the island was an average episode of Cultura Viva.

Then, they aired 31 Minutos... and everything changed. The show's format is like a live news broadcast told by puppets. Not your average puppets, but the coolest and funniest puppets you'll ever see. It's a show made for all audiences: it's informative, funny and very original.

The news show is hosted by Julio Traviño and the staff and technical crew are part of the drama. The show, among the situations Traviño deals with the staff and everybody's superhero Calcetin Con Rombos Man, also includes a top music videos, live polls, mini documentaries and lots of things.

The show has 3 seasons and a movie is on the way. Nickelodeon began airing the first season two years ago in Latin America. In Puerto Rico, the only people who can watch it are the ones living or having cable service from Mayaguez in TvChile (i forgot the name, but I watched it).

Even up to this date, we still remember this show. We've search the internet; found videos; checked the merchandises, dolls, notebooks.... We're obsessed! and ashamed... on Local TV that a low budget (but incredibly well scripted and organized) show managed to capture hearts of Latin America. Meanwhile we're still stuck with shows like Que Suerte and Dueña y Señora.

Here are some great videos:

Calcetin con Rombos Man

Pepe Lota (the pilot's episode top 3's #3)

Bailen Sin Cesar (top 3's #2)

Mi Muñeca me hablo (top 3's #1)

Documental Perritos

Top 20 big bosses

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Boston Phoenix published an online article about the Top 20 best bosses in video game history. Although there are some nice selections in the list ( Metroid's Mother Brain, Punch Out's Mike Tyson, Double Dragon's Abobo and Red Falcon from Contra), some where left to be desired. If this is supposed to be a top 20 best bosses, why there' some that are hardly recognized (Who the hell is Don LeCuck?) And there's even a Guitar Hero song! How can that be a villain?

I don't know why Sephirot is so high. If they wanted to use a Final Fantasy villain that actually was an awesome big bad the money is on Kefka or Golbez. Sephirot? He's just a Jenova controlled dude that walked around dumbly with his big sword and summoned a comet. OK. Fine, move on.

Where's Magus? Sigma? Albedo? and why wasn't Ganondorf higher?

Anyways if feeling like checking out their top 20 go here.
PS. I'm not even going to comment on number 1.

The one with Best site ever #1

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I got out of class at 11 AM. As usual, I grab the newspaper and rush to the next T(train) stop towards my apartment. While on the T, I read the headlines: "Best site ever #3 buys for 1.6b Best site ever #1". For those who haven't checked my links, Best site ever #3 is the omega famous Google and Best site ever #1 is my best site ever: Youtube.

I always remembered the first time I was frustrated when read an entertainment news. It was the winter of 2002. Sarah Michelle Gellar told Entertainment Weekly that she was done with her critically acclaimed (but unfairly Emmy unrecognized) Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I, a 20 years old geek college student, along with hardcore fans and the rest of the cast, crew members and even the show creator, were shocked to find out that way.

I don't know why, if both are two of my favorite sites ever, am I thinking that is not a good idea. Youtube is perhaps the most important video sharing and uploading site for everyday people. Where can you find an 80's video like You spin me round (like a record) or Colbert's word of the day, or the entire episode of South Park's Trapped in the Closet? All of this for free, and in an easy and accessible way?

Google is buying a lot lately. The got blogger, now they have Youtube. Now everything is google related and it's getting on my nerves. Apparently they're planning on modifying Youtube. According to their official statements, they're planning of expanding the site's social networking system to fill the gap that Google is having in that category, along with video sharing. What does that means? A Myspace clone? Leave Youtube as it is, we all love it that way. There's the whole copyrights situation which I won't go in details but the site and google are working in partnership with NBC, CBS among others to promote the videos legally. What does that means? If NBC doesn't like it... you won't find it. Mmmmmm, censorship much?

I'm not gonna comment anymore of this topic. I just hope that the changes aren't that drastic and the quality of the site isn't harmed in this ridiculous proccess of power, money and (what I can assume) censorship.

Here are some links regarding the news:

On how I almost quit my job...

Monday, October 09, 2006

It was a weekend not to be remembered.
I worked all weekend: On Friday 1-10 PM ( I missed The Departed last showing). Saturday I worked 1-10 and had to wake up at 6 on Sunday since we were having markdowns. Had to set up the walls and the sale merchandise. As expected, by 4, I was tired. There's no teamwork over there. So I'm madly screwed.

I lost my weekend.

Columbus day, I had no classes, but needed to be there at 7 only to find out that they were processing shipment right where I was going to be working. They screwed my day and everything I had planned to work on. I don't think anyone has ever seen me as angry as I was.
I missed the chances of proving myself ( even if it's in a boring retail shop) and gain more respect.

I'm not known for quitting. The only thing I've quit was when I was 15 and couldn't finish the worst RPG ever, Seventh Saga. And as everything around me was going in circles, I couldn't help but question many things. Why was I working there? Where was my freedom? How come I'm the only hard worker there? Why did I become the punchbag of people who aren't capable of doing anything?

At 9:20 AM, I was left with a destroyed store. No new product or mannequins were done yet. I spent my last 3 hours trying to put up things together and determined to quit. However I backed out in the end. Instead of quitting the job and, even if I don't need the money right now, reject that extra income, I would quit for the day, a holiday. So, I told them how I wasn't going to finish the 8 hours shift; left at 12:30; spent 30 minutes shopping and ultimately left the store.

Suddenly, as I walked towards home, I realized that if I was ever going to quit (and I mean as of giving up) it wasn't going to be a silly boring retail job; which I'm overtasked; that happens to have the laziest employees. So if I'm quitting, I'll quit for something more (or less) important.

The flavor of Entertainment

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I will post a more profound (if any) post on the Flavor of Love phenomenon. Meanwhile I will leave this for entetainment.

This lady needs a show for herself! She is Drama personified!

And this one's even better!

Sadly, this will be the last season.

A weekend in the country. Who's in the suitcase?

The preview for tonight's episode of Desperate Housewives made it look a little boring. But I was so wrong. SO wrong.

After all the criticism the show received last year (of those saying that the show had entered in a sophomore slump- I however enjoyed it a lot), the writers are putting up a lot of effort to make each episode enjoyable. And they're doing it RIGHT.

Each of the housewives, in this episode aptly called A weekend in the Country (from the 1973 Stephen Sondheim's musical A little Night Music), are away under different circumstances. Gaby is left alone in her spa weekend when Lynette leaves to help out Tom. Susan goes away with Ian to the country and Bree plans to leave for her honeymoon until Andrew shows up on the news. Things always go awry and Lynette is stuck with Tom's ex one night stand-mother of his illegitimate child Nora; Gaby finds her new single life in track when she encounters John Rowland; Susan and Ian have trouble with each other's sexual partners revelations and Andrew isn't ready to forgive Bree.

So much has happened in Wysteria Lane. After last season's shocking finale, the show went ahead for 6 months. There's a lot going on right now, and the show is as interesting as ever, so does the writing. Of the first three episodes of this season, this one's definitely the best. I never though I would laugh so hard at a suitcase (Last week, I said I wouldn't laugh so hard at the newborn baby scene and the writers beat that), or Susan and Ian's discussion over sex partners.

Going back to the plot, Orson (this year's misterious guy) really cares about Bree. He did everything he could to get her happy; in the form of Andrew's coming back. We know he has a shady past. He did run over Mike. But he does love Bree too and there's no proofs to the allegations that he killed his ex wife.

Bree's meeting with the transvestite was hillarious. "Gates...Pearly Gates. Cuz you can't get into heaven unless you go through me". Finally, we meet Danielle again, and man she is bitter!

Gaby had closure with John. After meeting with him in the hotel, having sex and finding out that he's engaged as soon as the fiancee is going her way up. Along comes the suitcase in what I dare to say is the funniest scene ever in this show, even better than her scenes last week. "Don't laugh, I saved a bundle on air fare!"

I know there's a lot of people who don't like Nora, but today she opened up to Lynette and the viewers. She's a single mother, who works at a Pancake restaurant, who attempted suicide and is a little wacky. Lynette's life now looks perfect.

A new storyline opening up is Julie's involvement with new neighbor Austin (Edie's nephew). I believe Edie's foreshadowing will come true: Julie will rebel. And by the end of the episode Mike wakes up only to find Edie next to him instead of Susan.

Things are getting complicated and way interesting.

PS: Yes the show is over the top, but that's what keeps us entertained. If you want a Bore go watch Grey's Anatomy on Thursdays.

Yankee's Pussy

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I never cared for sports. Then everything changed when I moved to Boston. Of course, being here made me hate the New York Yankees with a passion I don't understand. And yes, this year they beat the crap out of Boston in a record of 5 straight game loses. Everybody was confident that the Yankees were going straight for their 27 championship.


THEY WERE ELIMINATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take that Yankees!

PS. If any photos show up in the internet of a younger me wearing a red yankees hat... it wasn't that I liked the Yanks; I used to be a Poser Limp Bizkit fan! For real, ew.

The countdown

I've been waiting for five years. I've been waiting for 60 months. I've been waiting for 240 weeks; for 1681 days; 40344 hours. Anyways, you get it. I've been waiting so damn long for this game and now it's finally coming (after 4 painful delays) to us.

Final Fantasy XII is, the most awaited JRPG game of the year. Not only we haven't got a new original Final Fantasy since the release of Final Fantasy X in 2001. We had to settle for the MMORPG Final Fantasy XI and the funky, fagotty Final Fantasy X-2. The 12 was announced and all I could say was Ivalice (the world on Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics 2)! New directions, new artwork (this surely looks like Vagrant Story) and a *gasps!* new battle system that resembles XI.

I've read the reviews, they all loved it! I've played through the first 25 minutes of the game (in Japanese, but still!) and I was loving it. And even though I'm still like 10 hours from finishing Xenosaga 3, I really, really wanna play this one!

But if I waited 5 years, and 4 delays. I can wait for sure, 3 weeks; 24 days; 168 hours; 10080 minutes. Can I?

Last week's Netflix

My list and a word describing the movie:

Final Destination 3: Predictable
Almost Famous: Amazing!
Howl's moving castle: Magical!
Inside Man: Interesting

Next Netflix delivery:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Royal Tenenbaums
Punch-Drunk Love

Things keep getting better (or worse) for our Ugly!

Friday, October 06, 2006

The word is out. Ugly Betty is so good and entertaining!

On this episode called The Box and the Bunny, the sophomore episode of the season, Betty's graduation stuffed mascot is kidnapped, tortured and humiliated. All of this going along the stress of her losing "The Book" (any explanation on that? Watch The Devil Wears Prada!) to her hateful neighbor. While all of this is going on, Vilhelmina (the telenovelaesque Villain) is taking full advantage to pursue her goal of kicking Daniel and Betty out of Mode Magazine.

Kuddos to Salma Hayek for continuing using Mexican actors for the Telenovela bits Betty's family watches. Last week it was Hayek herself with Lupita Ferrer (a renowned Telenovela star). Now the turn goes to the infamous Gata Salvaje star Marlene Fabela and Rubi's hunk Sebastian Rulli. Both "star" as a maid having an affair with a priest.

What steals the show again are two elements.

  • Betty's family take more ground in this episode. Verdict? GOOD!!! They're all so funny. From her queer cousin to the wacky sister willing to defend her younger sibling, the dynamic is good between the four characters. I hope more scenes with the family.

  • The villains are so entertaining. Vanessa Williams is good. I love to hate her! Her assistant: funny!

Also, is fun to see the mystery element that makes Desperate Housewives so charming in this show. We know a little bit of info. Apparently the one who wants to take over the magazine has some ties with Daniel's father. We know about the car accident that left her in a mummy status. What else might it be in store? I'm glad this version of Betty is not following the original storyline and bringing so many new elements.

Betty, you beautiful ugly charm!

Lost Season 3 Premiere

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I thought that Lost was done for.
J.J. Abrahams has a thing for screwing up great shows. Felicity, Alias-both were critically appraised shows that jumped the shark after the second season. I still have my mixed beliefs with Alias.

Back in Lost. I am surprised, I loved the premiere. It was much more enjoyable than last season opener (Boring!). The opening scene dealt with what I believe will be the focus of the season: The Others. Who are they? What do they want? Why Jack, Kate and Sawyer?

Don't expect these answers to be resolved in the premiere. In fact, only one cliffhanger of the premiere (Jack, Kate, Sawyer) was shown. No idea where Hurley is, also what the heck happened to the people inside the Hatch (Mr. Ecko, Charlie, Desmond or Locke) before it blew up. I highly doubt they're seriously injured but still there's plenty to go for upcoming episodes.

Even though only three of the Losties were shown, it felt like first season. That peculiar feeling, maybe it was the setting, or the development, or just me. All I know is that I'm hopeful that this season will be as good in material as the previous two. Let's hope that it doesn't occur like Alias that after an intriguing third season first arc, kind of lost steam (and viewers).

PD. I'm beginning to doubt about Jack. I was talking with one of my best friends and we both agreed that he's a little crazy. Is that a reflection of our society? Trusting and following someone we might call leader that ultimately might be out of his mind? It's still to early to find out, but I'm up for the ride!

Welcome to my Blog

I never thought I would be creating a blog. Honestly.

However one of my best friends the famous (or infamous) Pink Monday insisted on creating a blog together.

I'm still waiting for that blog. Instead, I decided to create my own, since blogging is the new pink (who used to be the new black)

Anyways, I'm Rpgdude.
A graduate student.
From Puerto Rico, living in Boston.
Very into creating artistic expressions (videos, editing, pictures and writing).
Very opinionated! If I love it, I love it and I'll tell you why. If I hate it there's no reason to reason!
Video games. Television. Entertainment. Politics. Situations. Videos. Pictures. Movies. Anime. Are some of my top interests.

As any traditional salutation goes:
Welcome and thanks for checking it out!