Daniel Radcliffe naked in play

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

OK, the star of the Harry Potter movies, Daniel Radcliffe is appearing naked in Equus (a play that will be shown in England.)

I will not comment on the play or if this is a good strategic move for a teenager who's main audience are kids.

What I will say is that after seeing him grow in the movies, see him turn handsomer, I am deeply dissapointed at the release pictures of the play. Some people only good look with their clothes on.

What do you think?

Recommended-Late January

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Music: Thanks to Pink Monday, for helping me discover Mika. This artist's song "Grace Kelly" is so good, I have the tune in my mind all the time. I got an earlier listening to his upcoming CD Life in cartoon motion and it's very good. Other recommended songs are: "Big Girl", "Relax, take it easy" and "Love Today", which was used in a (Red) commercial.

(Grace Kelly)

(Red) advertising

Movies: El Laberinto de Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)- Topped my all time favorite movies. The film is a flawless mix of fantasy and reality in Spain 1944. La Letrina posted a nice review of the movie here.

DVDs: Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices- Hate corporations? Concerned about Wal-Mart's mischievous ways? This documentary is good for you (also is very informative). Not a Bowling for Columbine but entertaining and emotional enough to get your attention.

Jesus Camp- This is the most terrifying thing I've seen. Fundamentalist Christians are taking over the world. Doubt it? Then check this out. This documentary is shocking. How people brainwash little kids into becoming an army of Jesus is frightening enough by shaping a "black and white" society even more. Highly Recommended.

PS. Those of you who haven't seen Dreamgirls, do so! Yes, it was dumbly snubbed by the Oscars but the movie is really good. If not interested on that at least have the dignity to watch the stellar and Oscar and SAG worthy performance of Jennifer Hudson!

La Oda a la ridiculez

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

OK, ¿de donde viene? ¿De donde sale y hacia donde va? La Ridiculez. ¡Ya no puedo más!

De donde sale gente tan estúpida? ¿Es esto producto de un pueblo defectuoso? ¿Acaso tiene que ver con la educación? No entiendo.

Vivimos en una sociedad donde un presidente bruto e inescrupuloso lleva una guerra por cinco años. Sabiendo que la está perdiendo, que le están matando las tropas de chiste… y es tan pendejo que quiere meter más y más gente a morir a ese hoyo.

¿Qué tal, una persona que se autodenomina la versión hombre de Jesucristo? Crea una secta donde le lava el cerebro a la gente, les saca los chavos y hasta el vivir. Y ahora se pone a decir que realmente no es Jesucristo pero sí el Anticristo… explícame!!(Para ver el estrepitoso video vayan a la Letrina).

Pero el chiste es que la gente le aplaude, grita y se emociona. ¡Gente dejen la mierda… los están cogiendo de pendejos!

Pero peor, un senador demente, ex gobernador de Puerto Rico que se dedica a hacer el ridículo sin vestirse de payaso. Un degenerado en todo sentido de la palabra, insulso e hipócrita que después de que defalco a la isla y la dejo mas pela que un fondillo de mono, se va y regresa llamándose Mesías. Y la gente sigue tan pendeja como siempre.

Viene y después que le encuentran pruebas contundentes para ser enjuiciado por criminal y una descarada jueza (que se autodenominó el caso como favor político por haberla nombrado jueza sin haber tenido los votos) lo libera. Pero ahora viene una que lo odia y se autodenomina el caso y el zángano viene a llorar como un pendejo diciendo que es que el sistema judicial no es justo.

Peor la gente ridícula afuera del tribunal llorando, rezando y hasta adorando al demonio ese. Esa gente cristiana se les olvida que dijo Dios en el primer mandamiento.

Si sigo no acabo, me faltan los shows de MTV, las celebridades que son famosas por lo que hacen y no por el talento y muchas, muchas otras cosas que se me quedan.

No sin antes culminar con la gente. Ella es la epítome de la ridiculez. Si no fuera por ella no estuvieran estos zánganos haciendo el ridículo en las noticias, robándoles los chavos y sabrá que mas. El problema esta en la gente, en la falta de capacidad mental y de razonamiento. Oda a la ridiculez, oda a la gente.

On Scrubs Musical and Betty's Mystery

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I only watch two shows on Thursdays: ABC's critically acclaimed Ugly Betty and NBC's superb Scrubs. Yes, Thursday nights are nights to watch the ugly and the insanity of hospitals.

Tonight they both ran great shows. On Betty, finally the mysterious person was revealed and I am glad I saw that coming for a while. It was shocking, but I knew it. I'm dying to see the chemistry between Wilhelmina Slater (Vannessa Williams) and Alexis ( Rebecca Romijn). Also the ongoing chemistry between Betty and her boss was tender. And don't we just love Amanda?

Scrubs ran a musical episode today. It was not Once More with Feeling from Buffy the Vampire Slayer but was good enough to give it a run for its money. The premise was clever and fittingly to the show: a woman that after an accident only hears people singing. Mix this with the previously established storylines and you got a hit. The coolest parts of the episode were trying to find the musical which the songs were homaging. The plus songs were "All in the poo" and "Guy Love", but what I really loved in the episode (like every Scrubs episode) was the ending.

I strongly suggest that you watch the episode and watch the show! It's one of the best shows on TV and unfortunately people are watching Grey's Anatomy which is the sloppiest, dumbest and most unoriginal show on TV. They rip Scrubs constantly but without the grace and the charm.
Anyways SPOILERS: Rebeca Romijn plays a transexual.

8 degrees

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

8 degrees in Boston... You can bet how cold it is and how desperate I am after abandoning 80 degrees back home. But, I am back and will honor this coldness by providing some 8 freezing and harsh degrees to those who deserve them:

I will be graduating in May if everything turns out as expected (80 degrees!).

After graduation, I will be left with a huge loan to pay (8 degrees!).

I survived a holiday of partying, bitch slapping, drinking and insanity (80 degrees!).

I re bonded with old friends and became indifferent to newer ones (80 degrees to old, 8 degrees to new!).

Roselló is set free (8 degrees!).

Primera Hora finds information regarding to the judge who released Roselló (80 degrees!).

No one died of loose bullets during the holidays

(80 degrees!).

I am still single (80 degrees and 8 degrees!).

Global warming's effects hits the northeast and center of the United States (8 degrees).

Saddam Hussein's hanging (-80 degrees!).

I have no job (8 degrees!).

Bush wants to send more troops to Irak (-80 degrees!).

Jennifer Hudson becomes the lead contender for the Oscar Nominations after winning the Golden Globe award for best supporting actress (80 degrees!).

Omarosa will guest star on I love New York (80 degrees!).

Desperate Housewives is the #1 show in USA (80 degrees!).

Grey's Anatomy wins the award for Best Dramatic Show in the Golden Globes
(-80 degrees!).

A new year arrives, hopefully it'll top the last one (80 degrees!).

10 minutes

Friday, January 05, 2007

That's what it took to do this video for class.

Caco vs Rocker

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Un pana mio posteo una de sus peliculas mas funny y cool en youtube. Vean los primeros minutos y sabran pq. El tipo se bota, el dirige, escribe, edita y hasta hace los special effects.

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