8 degrees in Boston... You can bet how cold it is and how desperate I am after abandoning 80 degrees back home. But, I am back and will honor this coldness by providing some 8 freezing and harsh degrees to those who deserve them:
I will be graduating in May if everything turns out as expected (80 degrees!).
After graduation, I will be left with a huge loan to pay (8 degrees!).
I survived a holiday of partying, bitch slapping, drinking and insanity (80 degrees!).
I re bonded with old friends and became indifferent to newer ones (80 degrees to old, 8 degrees to new!).
Roselló is set free (8 degrees!).
Primera Hora finds information regarding to the judge who released Roselló (80 degrees!).
No one died of loose bullets during the holidays
I am still single (80 degrees and 8 degrees!).
Global warming's effects hits the northeast and center of the United States (8 degrees).
Saddam Hussein's hanging (-80 degrees!).
I have no job (8 degrees!).
Bush wants to send more troops to Irak (-80 degrees!).
Jennifer Hudson becomes the lead contender for the Oscar Nominations after winning the Golden Globe award for best supporting actress (80 degrees!).
Omarosa will guest star on I love New York (80 degrees!).
Desperate Housewives is the #1 show in USA (80 degrees!).
Grey's Anatomy wins the award for Best Dramatic Show in the Golden Globes
(-80 degrees!).
A new year arrives, hopefully it'll top the last one (80 degrees!).
woohoo for no deaths in new years eve (80 degrees)
44 deaths on the days after until today and counting (8 degrees)
woohoo for desperate housewives and dirt and heroes and house (80 degrees)
a calzón quitao sin rubén sanches (8 degrees)
Joel's hopeful summer trip to europe or at least any other place 80 degrees
bueno se te ha quedao la tercera "ho" de miss universe, la new jersey que quedo pre`na y renuncio a la corona. yo le doy 80 degrees a ella por haber chichao sin condon pues se tomo literal lo de promiscuous girl de la nelly furtado y siempre es bueno imitar a las estrellas. le doy 80 degrees al programa de entrevistas de jaime baily q solo se ve por aca por los miami's, pero que en la pagina de megatv pueden ver muchos videos de sus comentarios. tambien 80 degrees a The Audacity of Hope, el libro de barack obama que voy leyendo y que esta fantastico. pero le doy 8 degrees a Sister Patterson, madre de la New York, porque no permite que su hija se enamore de los tecatos y aprenda por si sola lo que es este mundo cruel. a miguel le doy 8 degrees por pato y a mi misma me doy 80 degrees por estraightsita.
Joel 80 degrees por catchearme en cosas que se me olvidaron en especial las 44 muertes y la sugerencia de activar la guardia nacional.
Jolywudense te doy -80 degrees por closetera y chancletera pero te doy +80 pq me acordaste de la tercera ho d miss universe! Y otros ochenta mas pq estas en el calorcito de Florida.
Mijo te llevaste el caldito de pollo?
Rossello es el cuco. Cuando el llegue al infierno la temperatura alla abajo se pondra en -180.
Suerte en los estudios y eso.
Deje el caldito de pollo. Ahora estoy bebiendo té y tomando sopas de coco tailandesas.
Uy nene, eso es gringos guanabí.
Thai food rocks!
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