This week Netflix

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Today I decided to recapture the passion with the DVD Player. I had some Netflix movies that hadn't watched.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Followed Gazoo's suggestion to watch it twice: one wasted, the other fine. Even if there was different ways to approach it, the result was the same: the second best romantic movie (second to Punch Drunk Love).

Punch Drunk Love: It's so fucked up, and yet romantic. Best. Rom/Movie. Ever!

Sideways: I think I'll watch tomorrow...

Next week Netflix:

Hard Candy (recommended by Gazoo)
High School: The Musical (recommended by work)

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (recommended by Netflix)


carol said...

Acabo de ver Melinda and Melinda y está mejor de lo que esperaba. Por la tarde ví The Shawshank Redemption and it's like one of the best movies I've ever seen. I should post all of this on my blog pero no tengo ganas jaj.

carol said...

Ah, Punch Drunk is okay, a mi no me gustó tanto.

RPGdude said...

Shawshank Redemption es excelente. La he visto tantas veces!