I still remember the first time we saw 31 Minutos, one of the highest rated TV shows from Chile (it was on XI Latin American Encounter Felafacs). As different shows from all over Latin America were shown, me and my friends were ashamed that the only tv video from the island was an average episode of Cultura Viva.
Then, they aired 31 Minutos... and everything changed. The show's format is like a live news broadcast told by puppets. Not your average puppets, but the coolest and funniest puppets you'll ever see. It's a show made for all audiences: it's informative, funny and very original.
The news show is hosted by Julio Traviño and the staff and technical crew are part of the drama. The show, among the situations Traviño deals with the staff and everybody's superhero Calcetin Con Rombos Man, also includes a top music videos, live polls, mini documentaries and lots of things.
The show has 3 seasons and a movie is on the way. Nickelodeon began airing the first season two years ago in Latin America. In Puerto Rico, the only people who can watch it are the ones living or having cable service from Mayaguez in TvChile (i forgot the name, but I watched it).
Even up to this date, we still remember this show. We've search the internet; found videos; checked the merchandises, dolls, notebooks.... We're obsessed! and ashamed... on Local TV that a low budget (but incredibly well scripted and organized) show managed to capture hearts of Latin America. Meanwhile we're still stuck with shows like Que Suerte and Dueña y Señora.
Here are some great videos:
Bailen Sin Cesar (top 3's #2)
Documental Perritos
Yeah, my ppl are the shiznet!
Way to go Chile!
Explain to me why haven't more ppl commented in this post.
Come on ppl, you know you like it, puppets are priceless.
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