Amo a Laura

Monday, November 13, 2006

I don't.

Yesterday a friend sends me a video over myspace regarding four Spanish kids who refused to have sex until marriage. This video is absurd and ridiculously funny. With lyrics like "Amo a Laura pero espero hasta el matrimonio" and "Yo no arrancare esa flor", this message for abstinence is a castration to morality (morality itself is a castration though).

Check the video and get ready for the analysis.

Here's the juicy stuff. How in the universe two flamboyant homosexuals (trying to dissimulate on camera) can actually sing a song like this. We know why you won't take her flower... you're taking the other guy's stem! And those two ho's they look so bellacas! The darker one looks like a penisholic, if she's a virgin I'm a saint. I bet they clitted each other's.

On a lighter note: those flowers with their heads, what were they thinking? What was the composer thinking? And how in earth would the Asociacion Nuevo Renacer think people would pay any attention to this thing? The sole purpose for that video is to serve youtubers a minute of entertainment.

Meanwhile I sing Amo a Laura and I know I won't wait for marriage. I guess nobody else will either.


Anonymous said...

Amo a Laura!! Yo también creía que era en serio pero después descubrí que es una broma de MTV de España. Resulta que unos grupos Opus Dei criticaron a MTV por pervertir a la juventud y promover sexo prematrimonial. Así que ellos en MTV se inventaron este grupo ridículo (Los Happiness, imagina) y una campaña "No mires MTV" para reírse de esos mamones. Lo peor, es que los del Opus Dei apoyaron a este grupo ficticio sin darse cuenta que se burlaban de ellos mismos, jajaja.
En realidad es una campaña genial.

Unknown said...


Q gracioso!

Mano me pregunto pq siempre cojen los mismos nombres para las canciones: Maria, Laura, Penelope, etc...

El Ácrata said...

Sí eso me acabo de enterar que fue un truco publicitario de MTV, pero el video no deja de estar ingenioso...

RPGdude said...

Jajaja pues tendre que hacerle un followup!

Anonymous said...

Aquí está la version guarra: Me peto a Laura.

RPGdude said...


Yuliana said...


RPGdude said...

Oh yes Yuliana!