This Weekend Drama!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Another weekend goes by and at 40something degrees there's no much left for me to do. Laziness has taken over me, but damn it was an important weekend for media and politics.

Friday: Closing shifts are the worst. Spend my night watching Netflix movies and catching up with Tivo. Drawn to my interest was this week's episode of South Park, a show I believe keeps outdoing itself and getting better and better. And yes it's way better than poorly written Family Guy

Saturday: I had the unpleasant tragedy of watching Are you scared? Possibly the most horrendous movie ever made. It's so fucking bad and the acting is so amateurish that there's absolutely no fun to it: more of a Saw rip-off.

I'm still enjoying playing Final Fantasy XII which is visually amazing. The story it's getting a little slow to develop but I've been told once I finish the dungeon I'm it will blow me away. I can't wait. Also I like the whole fighting system.

Sunday: Another 1-10 at work, like Friday and Saturday. This time my mind was completely desperate to watch the highly anticipated Bang episode of Desperate Housewives. Let me tell you, if you're not a fan of the show watch this episode anyways. I think it's one of the best hours I've ever seen on TV. If you're a fan you will completely agree with me.

A huge hostage situation arises in a supermarket with several key characters involved. There are a couple of people injured and some deaths. Nerve breaking, tear jerker! I have to admit it, I cried. Below is the kick ass trailer:

On other news, Saddam Hussein has been found guilty and has Irak in an all divided posture of whether to celebrate or to cry. But wait, aren't tomorrow elections all over the United States? Isn't the GOP losing acceptance? Don't the majority of polls assure a Democrat overturn of the House and many state's governors?

Gay marriage issue is to be debated AGAIN in Massachusetts since conservatives and idiotic religious people don't seem to let it go! Expect it to be overruled and lot's of crazy ridiculous religious people celebrating. Hope I'm wrong.


Kahlúa Macarena said...

omg, the desperate housewives episode was incredible... an absolute must watch...

RPGdude said...

I totally agree. I don't think I've spoken to anyone that didn't think it was "beyond expectations".

• Ceci • said...

[comment here]

All I can say is that I'm a loyal Adult Swim viewer.

Unknown said...

Saddam & Bush = The Tale of two Sadist.

P.D. Sadico se escribe asi? Oh well...

RPGdude said...

si, se escribe asi.

Ceci South Park es parte de adult swim. I think.

Esperen un blog caliente mañana con motivo de las elecciones.

• Ceci • said...

SouthPark NO es parte de [adult swim]. I don't "think", I know.

RPGdude said...

I don't watch Adult Swim anyways.

J O E L said...

solamente la mitad de Adultswim vale la pena...

RPGdude said...

Ni siquiera, para ver Anime prefiero verlo en japones q con malas voces traductoras

xeros beat said...

WTF?? am I the only gay man not playing FF XII? moving on I haven't seen much of South Park lately but the world of warcraft episode was insane I loved it.