In March 21, 1978 an unknown lady was pushing out of her ripping vagina what she had considered would be a ray of hope. Little did she know that when she called her newborn baby Kevin Earl Federline, she had conceived the epitome of failure and disaster.
Kevin likes to call himself multi talented. He says he can act, sing, rap, dance and model. In his peanut sized brain he believes he's the shit. His two most successful jobs to date has been doing a sloppy, lazy and disastrous car wash work in a local car wash, the other one is of course being the poster boy for media backslash and humiliations.
Always behind someone else, K-Fed began working in the show biz as backup dancer. You know those people that moves and dance but people DON'T notice since they're busy watching the real star.
He grew up to become a solid piece of leech. In sexism a woman who sells herself and her body for money is called a whore. Conservatives always point them out as the worst; opening your 'gigis for a couple bucks is the most disgusting thing and god doesn't forgive... In sexism a man who sells himself for money is called K-Fed.
His unfortunate rise of fame was when, no longer innocent yet subtly (at the moment) entertaining Britney Jean Spears, a top star whose multi platinum albums have landed her a top spot in music entertainment for the last 10 years. She fell in love, with her backup dancer. When she announced she was dating this unknown backup dancer by the name of Kevin.... the world uttered WHO?!
He hid some stuff. He was dating a lesser actress Sharisse Shar Jackson, best known as Niecy from Moesha. She was pregnant when the monster dumped her, left her all by herself to leech some more money from a bigger star.
And we all know how this all turns out to be. He destroyed Spear's career, causing her to sink that low to go half nuts to a prime time interview where she ridiculed herself in front of the entire world. His record label: from Spears money. The child support pension he gives to his 2 child: from Spears money. His ad's, promotions to his disastrous and terribly reviewed, flatly executed and insulting to hear CD Playing with Fire: from Spears money. Every single week the media loves to play comedians by mocking this fake-lebrity. A dude with no talent, makes it big by banging a former Pop Star.
However things don't always go as planned. His stunt against John Cena has cost him multiple public humiliations, massive backslash and a total lack of support from the top, middle and bottom hip hop community, more backslash from the press, public boo's everywhere he goes (the latest incident was in a basketball game he attended) and last but not least being witnessed as a determined to win the public back (and reconstruct her life) Spears told him that she was divorcing him...via TEXT MESSAGE. Yes it was recorded by cameras. With a kicker pre-nup K-Fed would be basically left with little.
This is the video of his awful "Lose Control" song. This is the offspring of a really bad performer and a fairly decent video editor
Bno, si K-Fed tira ese videito las nenitas no le van a comprar el disco.
Hanna Montana, la Cheyene y no se q otra pendeja. Bno Britney piensa tirar el CD pronto a ver q dira el tiempo pero va a necesitar la mejor firma de Public Relations q haya.
i don't think k-fed (i keep laughing at your sexism definition) has a future. me da náuseas el tan sólo mirarlo. creo que no soy la única que se siente así...
hace poco ví una entrevista de britney, creo que en dateline, y a la verdad que daba pena... digo, nadie le ha hecho daño a ella. ella está como está por voluntad propia...
she's a star, and he's a failure, but they both suck...
100% agree Kahlua, ambos suckean. Pero cristo que tipo tan lapa. Me saca cuando la gente con talento de verdad estan en las calles jodios y basura como estos dos estan trepaos.
Explain to me how Hannah Montana got thrown into this discussion?!
She's in no way related to this, and she's only like 13 years old. Btw, check out who her dad is.
Disney is trying to make out of her a Shaniah Twain Country-Pop kind of star, which is not bad for the Nashville community, in which Miley grew up in. At least the girl has the three talents: singing, dancing and acting.
As for Cheyenne, she is an official MTV failure. She should have gone to Disney instead.
If there is a four hour tape, Britney has probably bought it back by now.
K-Fed will always be hated, he's like a Tom Arnold, he will NEVER fade, just because of all this ridiculous situation he will pop-up every now and then. You may cry now.
It will be interesting watching this new generation of celebrity babies growing up, there are all in the same age group. The drugs, the sex, re-hab, sex-changes, how much fun!
I believe it's gazoo's for bringing Cheyene and the other disney girl in the discussion.
I hope you're wrong and K-Fed gets out of our conscience.
pues yo repetiré lo que ya han comentado:
1. No sé en qué cabeza cabe irse a la lucha libre a hacer de malo... Lo peor es que yo lo vi cuando salió, it was sad. Porque, ¿cómo te vas a ir del lado de los "malos" en la lucha libre, cuando tu publicidad es toda en contra tuya?! Será bruto. Bueno, ES bruto. Bestía lo explicaría mejor. Esos luchadores que son "personajes", y que cada semana los escritores les escriben, que pasan meses sino años en cambiar de "buenos" a "malos" y viceversa, de formas sutiles... Es que no sólo Kevin Federline es estúpido, también sus relacionistas públicos son megamediocres. No, y después de insultar al público, se atreve a decir: "buy my cd, its coming out this date", qué cojones. Qué animal.
2. La segunda vez que lo vi, salió en Jay Leno. Cantó una mierda ahí con la "banda" y unos bailarines... la verdad es que queda más bajo que el reggeaton malo... ¡Y mira que el reggeaton malo es malo! Me pregunto con qué cara Leno le dio la mano, si a cada rato dice algo de él.
3. Y como si su anormalidad fuera poca, viene con la amenaza de publicar un "sex-tape", para que le den los nenes. O sea, does he even think? Las airheads se quedan cortas con el tipo este...
aunque... no me molestaría ver el video ese... (si britney todavía estaba tan buena como antes) (porque ahora es pura white trash a la décima potencia).
my longest comment ever on this blog
Yo quiero ver el video para ver q carajo tiene alla abajo ese mamao q deja a las mujeres tan pendejas!
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