I'm bringing sexy back

Friday, November 17, 2006

After a few days of blog inactivity I'm back with a new layout, pictures and attitude. I hope you like the new change. That freakin' blue standard layout was driving me nuts (and some of you that already pointed it out). 2o% of the credit goes to Pink Monday who helped me out due to my inability to deal with html codes. Now that I think about it, Pink deserves more... how about a 40? LOL kidding she deserves 90%.

Another thing: I've been busy playing Final Fantasy 12 and Guitar Hero 2 which is absolutely addicting and entertaining. Right now I'm trying to master (5 star master) Beast and the Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold

Video of the song:

Someone playing it in hard mode:

PS. Classes and responsibilities have finally caught with me. I have 3 big projects and as usual I haven't begun any of them.

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• Ceci • said...

Fo' Real.

You owe me a drink at Café La Princesa on Live Jazz Friday.

RPGdude said...

Dale te debo eso!

Luis Joel Crespo said...

gracias a DIOS que no tengo el juego ese... pq me hubiera jukeao tambien.. traetelo cuando vengas pa PR!!!!!